June 8, 2023
Humboldt-Table Rock-Steinauer Public School receives Summer of Youth grant to support summer learning
Thanks to a new Summer of Youth grant that HTRS Public School received, students in the HTRS School District will get to participate in four themed camps this summer.
Beyond School Bells, an initiative of Nebraska Children and Families Foundation, in partnership with the Nebraska Department of Education, has selected the HTRS Summer STEAM Camps 2023, as one of the Nebraska communities to receive a Summer of Youth grant to support summer learning opportunities. These funds were made available through federal dollars as well as private funds and are aimed at increasing high quality summer learning programs in communities where there simply aren't enough spots for the children who need them.
The Nebraska Department of Education launched the Summer of Youth grant program with $720,000 received from the Federal government’s COVID relief funding, termed ESSER III. Deputy Commissioner Dr. Deborah Frison celebrated this round of statewide grants. “NDE is thrilled to provide these communities with the additional Federal support they need to expand summer learning opportunities - especially since these grants reflect the kinds of programs youth want. Research confirms the vital role fun and engaging summer learning programs play in supporting student growth and positive youth development and we are thrilled to offer these communities additional funding to allow more Nebraska students to make lifelong memories of a great summer.”
Beyond School Bells is partnering with NDE to leverage these one-time Federal dollars with additional Nebraska philanthropic support, to create a pool of nearly $1 million to invest in select Nebraska communities through the Summer of Youth project. Jeff Cole, Network Lead of Beyond School Bells, noted “We are thrilled the Summer of Youth grant will help communities across the state provide more Nebraska youth with opportunities get out in their communities, get their hands dirty and have a summer learning experience.”
Nebraska’s summer programs provide a safe, supportive space for youth-led activities that are proven to help children and teens connect, learn, and grow. Summer programs offer hands-on engaging projects and team-building activities that foster resilience, confidence, and healthy relationships. These are local programs staffed by caring mentors.
“This Summer of Youth grant allowed us to use student voice surveys to provide programs based on student interest. The “Nailed It” cooking camp starts June 12 and our Nature camp will be the week of June 19th. I am excited we are also offering theater camp, along with our STEAM based jumpstart week. During our jumpstart week we will be able to spend time focusing on our school improvement goals by providing hands-on activities in a fun camp atmosphere” said Jaime Frey Program Director for site. Superintendent, Dr. George Griffith added that this grant directly supports the district’s goals for helping all students succeed. “We know that summer is a time when students can get reengaged in learning and through this grant, more students will have a great summer and return to school in the fall better prepared to learn and grow. I am really excited that we have 64 children signed up for our program. These students will get a prepared for the school year with our Jumpstart STEAM Camp starting July 24th and the six day Theater Camp the following week.”
The Theater Camp will culminate in a performance on August 5 and parents, family members and the community are welcome. Performances will be held at 3:00 and 5:30 in the HTRS Old Gym.
Nebraska Children and Families Foundation partners with communities to create a well-being system that strengthens families, supports unconnected young people, creates learning opportunities for Nebraska’s future workforce, and empowers parents to raise healthy children. To learn more about our work, visit www.NebraskaChildren.org. For more specific information about Beyond School Bells, visit www.BeyondSchoolBells.org.